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Заполните пропуски в резюме (summary) текста подходящей по смыслу информацией:
this text deals with different of justice. first, it means fair and moral treatment of people. most societies agree on the basic moral .
another meaning of justice is justice to law. it involves a legal system that judges and punishes people for .
there’s also a concept of justice: an opening hearing, an impartial court, equality before the law.
finally, there is « justice». people take the law into their own hands to punish offenders themselves. it is against the law.
in conclusion, the author says that we don’t have the right to the law even if we don’t like it.
l. кратко перескажите содержание текста «law and justice», закончив следующие предложения:
1. the text deals with (в тексте рассматриваются )
2. firstly, justice means (во-первых, слово «justice» обозначает
3. another meaning of justice is (другим значением слова «justice»
4. there is also a concept of (существует также концепция
5. finally, there is (наконец, существует
6. in conclusion, the author says that (в заключение автор подчеркивает,

law and justice
one of the main aims of any government is to provide justice. «justice» is a difficult concept, because everyone has a different idea of it.
first, justice means fair and moral treatment of people. it is based on moral principles (values) known as morality. they depend on traditions, culture, education, religion, etc. for example, the bible teaches us to honour our parents, not to murder, not to be unfaithful to our spouses, not to steal, etc.

another meaning of justice is «justice according to law». it involves a legal
system which deals with crime. unlike moral values, laws are compulsory for everyone. on behalf of the society the state judges and punishes people who break the law. it is sometimes difficult to draw a line between morality and law. for example, in the modern world adultery is immoral but not illegal. blasphemy is a crime in england, but many people don’t consider it illegal.

there is a concept of natural law or natural justice. each individual has
certain natural rights (requirements of a fair trial): an open hearing, an impartial court, equality before the law. if we feel that a law is unfair, we have the right to appeal against it or to work to change it. but we don’t have the right to break it.

unfortunately, no legal system can always provide justice. judges can make mistakes, people who should win their cases, lose; and people who should lose them, win. individuals or organizations who can hire the best lawyers have an advantage over others. people with political connections and money often escape justice. there’s a proverb – «laws catch flies, but let wasps and hornets break through» (закон – что дышло, куда повернешь – туда и вышло). that is why a loser sometimes takes the law into his own hands. this «vigilante justice» is against the law.

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dear steve, i was very glad to hear from you again. i haven't written for ages because of my school activities. in your letter you ask me to tell you about my favorite kind of sports. with a pleasure. i like many kinds of sports but best of all i like football. it's the game of my dream. i play for my school football club "shkolnik". we are good players and we win almost every competitions. besides it i'm a football fan and i like to watch every match on tv or in the stadium.

and what about you? tell me about your favorite kind of sports.

that's for me today. i have to go to the shop for some food. best regards to your family.write soon. andrey


дорогой стив,   я был рад получить от тебя весточку. я не писал целую вечность из-за занятости в школе.   в своем письме ты просишь меня рассказать   о моем любимом виде спорта. с удовольствием. мне нравятся многие виды спорта, но больше всего я люблю футбол. это игра моей мечты. я играю за   мой школьный футбольный клуб "школьник". мы хорошие игроки, и мы выигрываем почти все соревнования. кроме того, я футбольный болельщик, и мне нравится смотреть каждый матч по телевизору или на стадионе.

а как насчет тебя? расскажи мне о своих любимых видах спорта.

это все на сегодня. мне нужно идти в магазин за продуктами.   передай своей семье. пиши как можно быстрее   андрей

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