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Answer the questions.
1 what was checked? (this brown suit- case)
2 where is english spoken? (canada, the usa)
3 who was met at the airport? (we)
4 what was reserved? (two double rooms)
5 who was impressed by new york? (travelers)
6 what is paid (excess luggage)
7 who was sent for? (doctor)
8 what will be read in the evening? (magazine)
9 what will be sent tomorrow? (a letter)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Революция – revolution; информация – information; локация – location; модернизация – modernization; провокация – provocation; сессия – session; профессия – profession; комиссия – commission; депрессия – depression; трансмиссия – transmission;

Популярно: Английский язык