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Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
when i (send) all my e-mails, i (be) free. he (drive) for an hour when his car (break) down. i (dream) about my holidays when my mum (wake) me up.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1.. when i sent i was free.

2. he was when his car broke down.

3. i was dreaming when my mum woke me up.

She cleaned and cooked all day the price invited the unkind sister to the palace one day a fairy godmother visited her she asked the fairy godmother for help she danced with the prince at the palace the prince married her they lived happily ever after 1)она мыла и готовила целый день 2)принц пригласил злую сестру во дворец 3)однажды фея крестная посетила ее 4)она попросила фею крестную о 5)она танцевала с принцем во дворце 6) принц женился на ней 7)они жили счастливо даже потом

Популярно: Английский язык