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adverbs of degree
4 choose the correct adverbs. what is the position of the
adverbs in these sentences?

1 it's incredibly / a bit difficult. nobody can do it.

2 he's not very / quite tolerant. he doesn't like many
of my friends.

3 is that inna singing? i thought she wasn't very /
was really shy!

4 a million euros for me? you're a bit / very generous.

5 yerassyl is a bit / isn't very sensitive. don't say bad
things about him.

6 oraz is incredibly / isn't very tall-over two metres! ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) snow d. atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer2) cloud f. a visible mass of condensed watery vapour floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the general level of the ground3) rain a. the condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops4) sun g. the star round which the earth orbits5) icicle c. a hanging, tapering piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water6) rainbow e. an arch of colours visible in the sky, caused by the refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere7) hail b. pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds

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