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1. i she is busy at the moment. а. will think б. was thinking в. think г. thought 2. she very ill three years ago. а. has been б. was в. was being г. had been
3. the conference in kyiv in 3 weeks. а. hold б. will hold в. is holding г. will be held
4. jim was cooking dinner in the kitchen while john the dog. а. is feeding б. was feeding в. has been feeding г. had been feeding
5. he usually all the sports programs on tv. а. is watching б. will be watching в. watch г. watches
6. they kissed each other and good-bye. а. said б. spoke в. asked г. played 7. after a long break the friends were glad ….. each other again. а. to watch б. to see в. to look г. to examine
8. her husband is two years younger than is. а. him б. she в. her г. them
9. i my parents since last christmas. а. didn’t see б. haven’t seen в. hadn’t seen г. don’t see
10. this isn’t my first visit to london. i here before. а. have been б. haven’t been в. had been г. was
11. the that something was wrong in the class. а. watched б. looked в. examined г. saw
12. the boy ice-cream when we came in. а. had been eating б. ate в. eats г. was eating
13. he went to bed after the film а. had ended б. has ended в. would end г. ends
14. our parents worry about my brother more than about . а. mine б. me в. myself г. i
15. the picnic won’t be any fun without you and . . . а. we б. they в. them г. she

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