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Придумать6 предложений на анг.яз. с переводом о моде в прошедшем времени

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famous people have long been chasing fashion (известные люди давно гоняются за модой)


in childhood, unlike my peers, i did not pay attention to fashionable clothes (в детстве, в отличие от сверстников, я не обращал внимания на модную одежду)


before fashionable clothes cost a lot of money. now you can dress fashionably, but not expensive (раньше модная одежда стоила много денег. теперь можно одеваться модно, но не дорого)


i have long dreamed of a "louis vuiton" fashion bag, but later my tastes changed (я давно мечтал о модной сумке "луи ветон", но позже мои вкусы изменились


looking through photos of my ancestors, i noticed that my mother dressed only in the fashion of that time (просматривая фотографии моих предков, я заметил, что мама одевалась только по моде того времени)


as a child, i collected stickers from chewing gum, which was in fashion at that time (в детстве я собирал наклейки из жвачки, которая была в моде на то время)

1. hello, wendy! do you want for the london train? – no, i am meeting my mother off the train from bristol.

2.is my radio disturbing you? – no, not at all. i am enjoying the music.

3. why are those people shouting? – they are demonstrating against low wages.

4. you can turn off the radio. i am listening to it.

5. kate phoned me last night. she’s on holiday in france. she is having a great time and doesn’t want to come back.

6. i want to lose weight, so this week i am not eating lunch.

7. andrew has just started evening classes. he is learning german.

8. i am getting tired. i need a rest.

9. tim is working this week. he’s on holiday.

1.10 jane is in the computer room at college. complete her conversation with andy:

a: what are you doing?

j: i am writing a letter to a friend. he’s a disk jockey. vicky and i am trying to organize a disco.

a: that sounds a lot of work. how are you finding time for your studies?

j: well, as i said, vicky is helping me. we are getting on all right. we are not spending too much time on it. it is not taking me away from my studies, don’t worry about that. oh, sorry, you are waiting for this computer?

a: yes, but there’s no hurry.

j: i am correcting the last bit of the letter. i’ve nearly finished.

1.11 complete the sentences using the following verbs:

begin change get increase rise

1. the population of the world is increasing very fast.

2. the world is changing . things never stay the same.

3. the situation is already bad and it is getting worse.

4. the cost of living is rising . every year things are more expensive.

5. the weather is beginning to improve. the rain has stopped, and the wind isn’t as strong.

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