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Голубцы (the second dishes) components: the beef or veal 100г, cabbage белокочанная 150 г, an onions napiform 20 г, oil creamy 10г, rice 20г, sauce swept away 50г, an egg of 1/2 pieces, a solution salt 5 г, greens of a parsley 5 of the instruction: with кочана белокочанной cabbage to cut off some whole leaves, to put them for 8-10 minutes in the added some salt boiled water, then to take out, cool and cut off утолщенные stalks. on each leaf of cabbage to put a mincemeat and to turn in the form of short колбасок. prepared голубцы to fry on a frying pan with oil, to lay in a saucepan, to fill in with the swept away sauce and to extinguish in жарочном to a case approximately 30 minutes. preparation of forcemeat. the crude meat twice passed through a meat grinder to fry on a frying pan with oil. then to add the table spoon of water, milk or a broth, the spoon of boiled rice, a crude egg, finely рубленный the onions boiled with oil, a pinch of the cut greens of a parsley, a solution salt also all well to mix. it is possible to prepare for forcemeat and from boiled meat. если что сама нашла в интернете,лучше проверь все

Популярно: Английский язык