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№1. выберите и обведите правильный вариант. 1. he … ski tomorrow. a) will be b) will c) is 2.they … buy the computer. a) won’t b) aren’t c) isn’t 3. he … busy. a) will b) be c) will be 4. next december i … eleven. a) am b) will c) will be 5. how many cassettes … buy tomorrow? a) he will b) will he c) won’t 6. when … they visit us? a) do b) are c) will 7. she can … english. a) speak b) to speak c) speaks 8. … cloud today? a) it is b) is it c) it 9. he won’t be … tomorrow. a) early b) come c) come early 10. i … hot. a) am not b) don’t c) isn’t 11. mrs smith has got two … . a) baby b) babies c) baby’s 12. … toys have you got? a) how b) how old c) how many 13. mr brown’s sons are … . a) sportsman b) a sportsman c) sportsmen 14. there aren’t … carpets in the house. a) some b) any c) the 15. there … a sofa in the kitchen. a) is no b) aren’t c) isn’t 16. what … in the kitchen? a) are there b) is there c) are 17. it … be cloudy. a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) won’t 18. it … cloudy. a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) won’t 19. there are … there. a) book b) a book c) some books 20. … in the box. a) there is no pen b) there is the pen c) no pen is №2. выберите и обведите правильный вариант. 1. he … go there next month. a) won’t b) isn’t c) doesn’t 2. they … angry. a) will b) be c) will be 3. tom … visit his grandmother tomorrow. a) wants b) will c) is 4. when … she visit that country? – next year. a) does b) is c) will 5. sam can … dolls. a) make b) to make c) makes 6. what … have for lunch? a) they will b) they won’t c) will they 7. i … ill. a) am not b) don’t c) isn’t 8. he won’t be happy … you tomorrow. a) to see b) see c) sees 9. next june i … twelve. a) am b) will c) will be 10. … sunny today? a) it is b) is it c) it 11. the dog’s … are white. a) tooth b) teeth c) house 12. … pets have you got? a) how b) how old c) how many 13. what colour … your cat? a) does b) are c) is 14. there are … in the box. a) doll b) a doll c) some dolls 15. … in the basket. a) there is no tomato b) there is the tomato c) no tomato is 16. what … on the shelf? a) are b) is there c) are there 17. it … be windy. a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) won’t 18. it … cold. a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) won’t 19. there … armchair in the bedroom. a) is no b) aren’t c) isn’t 20. there … a carpet near the fireplace. a) is no b) aren’t c) isn’t

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Ответы на вопрос:

№1 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b. 7. a. 8. b. 9. c 10. b 11. b 12. c 13. c 14. a 15. c 16. b 17. b 18. b 19. c 20. a №2 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. c 13. c 14. c 15. a 16. b 17. a 18. a 19. c 20. c

1.a. 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.c 6.a 8.b 9.a 10.a

To be healthy you must eat right and to respect the day . if a person does not eat fruits , vegetables and other healthy food , only chips and other harmful products then , his body soon dies . the man begin to hurt the kidneys , due to the fact that he is not properly fed . many children today do not observe the day , and go to bed at 12 : 000 am . the child needs to sleep 9 -10 hours a day otherwise his eyes will appear bags , headache . children who eat right and keep the mode fun , positive and healthy !

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