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надо написать про свою будущую работу( любую хоть дворник)
you have received a letter from your english-speaking pen friend, david.
…the other day i had an interesting experience. we presented a school project “my future profession”. guess what! i’ve got a promotion at my part-time job…
have you chosen your future profession? what are you going to be? what personalities do you need and what will your job look
write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
write 100 – 120 words. remember the rules of letter writing.

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Ответы на вопрос:


after graduating from school, everyone should make an important choice - the choice of their future profession. my future profession, first of all, should be pleasant to me. everyone in childhood dreamed of becoming an astronaut, a doctor, a policeman, and a military man. but not everyone dreams come true, maybe because of health or because of laziness

choosing a profession is very important. after all, this is not only work, but also your future life, and it should bring not only money and fame, but also pleasure.

i want to be an architect. why did i choose this particular profession? because since childhood i love to draw, and when i got older, i was fascinated by physics, algebra and geometry. in my opinion, this is a very interesting profession.

the work of an architect combines creativity and rationality. a do-it-yourself architect can affect the appearance of a city, street, courtyard what could be better than giving joy to people ? !

imagine: you just settled in a new, recently built, and most importantly - a beautiful house, which architects worked on. but to become an architect, i have to study at the institute for several years, spoil a lot of paper for drawings, plans

if for some reason i cannot become an architect, then there are many other interesting and equally important professions, for example, the same ones: an astronaut, a doctor, a policeman



People celebrate the victory of the soviet union in the great patriotic war.this day military parades are held on the red square inmoscow.marched of cadets of military schools and office units go through the city’s streets. they head to the monuments to fallen soldiers and war memorials, where people lay flowers and hold rallies. then go military hardware and military aviation.  people on the streets are given ribbons, simulating traditional bicolor st. george ribbon. it has a symbolic value and expresses our respect for people who make their contribution to the victory in the great patriotic war. ribbons are distributed free of charge, through charitable contributions. there are many evening concerts in many parts of the city followed by very beautiful and long-lasting fireworks. russian people celebrate this great day with proud and blessing.

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