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Заполни кроссворд в выделенных клетках : 1)tiny usually has his breakfast at 9 o" . 2)there is a big in the house. 3)sit at the and write the letter. 4)we can play well. 5)simon"s is small but nice. 6)there are two big in my flat. 7)they put old things in their .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) clock 2) table 3) chair 4) very 5) car 6) windows 7) boxes

What means a word "friend"? your friend is who helps you in time when you need it. friend may be girl or a boy, even your dog or your imaginary friend. you can tell secrets to your friend, spend time together, make some fancy things. but that doesn't means that friend - every guy which you know. you must trust in your friend.

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