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Put the verb into the correct form.

1. this soup isn't very /taste) better if it wasn't so salty.
2. we live in a city and don't need a car, but we would need one if /live) in the country
3 if we had the choice, /live) in the country.
4. i'd make a lot of changes if /be) the manager of the company.
5. i wouldn't call someone in the middle of the night /not/be) important.
6. if i were you, /not/wait). /go) now
7. you're always tried because you go to bed so late. if /not/go) to bed so late every night, /not/be) tired all the time.
8. i think there are too many cars. /not/be) so many cars;
/not/be) so much pollution.
9. we all need jobs and money, but what /do) if /not/have) to work? ​

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B.bobby я

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