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Pero esta pregunta es interesante.me gusta mucho la materia de lujo , pero, por desgracia , no todo me conviene . así que trato de elegir la mejor opción . ¿cuál sería y modnenko y krasivenko . por ejemplo dzhintsy considerados clásicos de la moda , así como el pequeño vestido negro , tacos y de piel - que nunca es nezabudetsya .dicen que hay un taco de una lista de cosas que supuestamente deberían estar presentes en el guardarropa de cada mujer decente ( y la sonrisa deshonestos ! 02 ! ) .honestamente, vestido de negro que tengo, aunque sería deseable. más bien, sigo tratando de seguir a la moda. aunque en mi opinión no todos los jóvenes aprecian. mi ejemplo es más sostiene este punto de vista : que sea sexualmente o kraynyak clásico . no le gusta el estilo patsansky , y yo soy todo lo contrario. i tratar de tenerlo godit y yo. el resultado - un montón de cosas en gardderobe que no les gusta y ni siquiera saben cómo llevar una sonrisa 01 ! por ejemplo , voy a la tienda veo mis cosas , las que me gusta - y entender inmediatamente que mi mirada de reojo a ellos. bueno, yo creo , está bien - comprar el mejor para él ! y pokukpayu sonrisa ! 04 ! más a menudo que no adivina todos modos. en el extremo del rollo .на : вот такой вопрос интересный.  я например люблю модные вещи, но , к сожалению, не все мне подходят. поэтому стараюсь выбирать оптимальный вариант. что бы было и модненько и красивенько. например джинцы считаю классикой моды, а так же маленькое чёрное платье, шпильки и меха - это никогда незабудеться.  говорят есть такоой некий список вещей, которые якобы должны присутствовать в гардеробе каждой порядочной (и непорядочной smile! 02! ) женщины.  честно сказать, черного платья у меня нет, хотя хочется. скорее я все-таки стараюсь придерживаться моды. хотя по-моему не все молодые люди ее ценят. мой например больше придерживается такого взгляда: пусть будет сексуально или на крайняк классически. не любит пацанский стиль, а я как раз наоборот. стараюсь и ему у годить, и себе. в результате - куча вещей в гарддеробе, которые не люблю и даже и не знаю как носить smile! 01!   например приду в магазин -вижу свои вещи, те которые мне нравятся - и сразу понимаю что мой на них косо посмотрит. ну думаю, ладно - куплю лучше для него! и покукпаю smile! 04! чаще всего не угадываю все равно. в итоге валяются.


born on february 26, 1979 in the ural city of ust-katav. father comes from irkutsk. after graduation, i came to work at ust-katavsky carriage works as a design engineer. mother - uralka root - the director of folk theater in the palace of culture, a talented person. the family has three children. tamara is average. we can say that she grew up in the palace of culture, where her mother first took her - two months - with herself to work. first, the girl slept in a stroller, then on the piano. grown up, sat next to my mother during rehearsals, or wandered through the palace of culture. mother's rehearsals, circles in the palace, where the girl was, the beauty of the palace itself could not but affect tamara's creative imagination. you can read about her “theatrical” childhood in the story “alka” (internet magazine “prologue”). tamara mikheeva loved to read since childhood. gradually, she realized that writing was just as interesting as reading. she remembers her first essay. in the second grade, the teacher asked an essay on the theme "hurry up - make people laugh." this was her first tale. and one more motive prompted her to write. there was a good library in the house, but there were not enough books. i read the "wizard of the emerald city", but there was no continuation. i wanted to finish the fairy tale myself. at the age of 14 she was fascinated with free verse - free white verses. but for a long time tamara was shy about her creations, hid her manuscripts. only mother knew that the daughter wrote. she graduated from the literary institute. a.m. gorky (seminar of m.p. lobanov, attended an additional seminar on children's literature by a.p. toroptsev and r.s. sefa). she participated in seminars for young writers writing for children in tarkhany (2008), staraya russa (2009), melikhovo (2010), karabiha (2011), konstantinovo (2012); participant of the forum of young writers in lipki 2009-2011; participant of the festival "young writers around detgiz." in 2006, tamara mikheeva became a finalist for the vp prize. krapivin, in 2007 - the winner of the national prize "a cherished dream" for the story "asino summer", in 2008 - the winner of the literary prize named after s.v. mikhalkov for the collection "yurkin boomerangs." in addition, in 2010 she received an incentive award from the sergei mikhalkov competition for the story “light mountains”. tamara mikheeva - a member of the commonwealth of children's writers of the urals, a member of the jury of the prize for them. v.p. nettle tamara mikheeva lives with her family in the village of miassky. she works at a school and teaches literature. and he continues to write books. writes the old-fashioned way on paper, then enters into the computer. mikheeva has a good family, where two sons grow up. the book "asino summer" opens with the words: "i dedicate to my favorite little boys egor, sevka and olezhka! ". the third boy is a nephew. you can envy the boys, they have a mother, aunt - inventor, fantasy, narrator, writer and just a good man. tamara mikheeva has big creative plans. there is a hope that her first books are just the beginning, that she will give to readers - children a whole library of kind and bright books.

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