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Open the brackets using past simple/past continuous/past perfect/past perfect continuous
1) i (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.
a. talked b. had talked c. had been talking d. was talking
2) they (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.
a. sat b. had sat c. had been sitting d. were sitting
3) he quickly forgot everything he (learn) at school.
a. learnt b. had learnt c. had been learning d. was learning
4) i visited brazil in april. i (stay) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.
a. stayed b. had stayed c. had been staying d. was staying
5) i (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when i received your letter.
a. stayed b. had stayed c. had been staying d. was staying
6) the musician (play) the piano for a whole hour when we came in.
a. played b. had played c. had been playing d. was playing
7) jane closed the magazine and rose from the sofa on which she (lie) for more than two hours.
a. lay b. had lain c. had been lying d. was lying
8) a man (be) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived.
a. was b. had been c. had being
9) we (walk) along a forest road for two hours when we saw a house.
a. walked b. had walked c. had been walking d. were walking
10) i (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door.
a. talked b. had talked c. had been talking d. was talking
11) i hardly (finish) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.
a. finished b. had hardly finished c. had been finishing d. was finishing
12) first i (answer) the phone, and then i read your letter.
a. answered b. had answered c. had been answering d. was answering

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The solitude is dearer to mecrowded than the light and noise; in the village as a fun,fresh soul, free mind. how sweet the morning to wake up,before sunlight,a cold dew to washto look in the mirror stream in the midday heat to look coolin the shadow of the brooding branchesto wander, where will the viewsforgetting about the light and about peopleforgetting about the light and about people.

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