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61 choose the correct option.
mulamulyot band is not runt
wo sisters
max h
tavourite thing is
hatelard lolan
got short brown hair and she's very intelhgent her
lavourite thing is her laptop. my dad
brothers or sisters but my mum's got one sister
her name's oliveshe's got one on
name's michael michael
thing is his bike. he's younger
he's 10
in the family!
1 a 's got
b cve god
2 a our
b their
3 a older
b oldest
4 a are
b is
5 a her
b hers
6 a haven't got b hasn't got
7 a its
b his
8 a 's
b 5'
9 a more
b than
10 a noisier b the noisiest
total 9
max yeh
i've got it now
katie: great than
science home
man: sony, beilne
katie: sure speak
max great bye
katie: bye​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

She was about 45 years. she is a sweet woman. is there any built-in furniture in the apartment to your cousin?

Популярно: Английский язык