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for a long time offline education was the only way to get an knowledge. so someone from the old generation still thinks this is the only good way to learn something. but i think that's not true. our grandparents say that, because they have no information about e-learning.

first of all this is really good way to get an education for disabled people. because now there is no need for foresight. so it's really good not only for disabled people.

e-schools are in many ways similar to the usual, but have some advantages. individual lessons, comfortable, homely atmosphere, more free time!

e-learning is the future. many students are already learning this way, because it's really easy and useful.


: )

1.the house was built twenty years ago. 2.the house was painted last month. 3. my wallet was stolen yesterday. 4.the grapes were left to dry in tge sun. 5.most of the prisoners are visited once a month. 6. these cars are made in japan. 7. the children were taught to be polite. 8.ann's bike was found in tge river. 9.this wine was bought in france. 10. this vase was broken yesterday. можно еще в конце предложение написать by someone(кем-то)или by them(то есть что-то сделано ими).by someone или by them смотришь по контексту. вообще,passive voice нужно понять сразу,чтобы потом не было провалов. пассивный залог (passive voice)показывает, что лицо или предмет, выраженное подлежащим, испытывает действие на себе: the house was built (дом построен), (the vase was built - раза разбита) для того, чтобы получить форму глагола в пассивном залоге, необходим   глагол to be  в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастие прошедшего времени  (participle ii) значимого глагола: this building  will be demonstrated next month. это здание будет снесено в следующем месяце. my dog  has been stolen. мою собаку украли

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