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Sam was caught cheating on/with a test, and expelled 2 ten divided with/by two equals five 3 the comments on/at his report card were all excellent. 4 i've decided to take out/up a student loan. 5 the school year is divided at/into three terms​

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1. – why are  you putting on your coat? - i am going  for a walk. are you coming  with me? – yes, i’d love to come. do you mind  if i bring my dog? – no.2. i am going  to visit peter tonight. he is leaving  tomorrow morning. – is he coming back the same day? – i don't know.3. ann isn't coming  today. she is busy reading.  4. nick is leaving tonight. – what train is he taking   for his journey? – he is catching the 9.30 train.5. nick and ann are driving up  to moscow this afternoon.6. are you writing  him tonight? – yes, i always write  him on his birthday. do you want  to send any message? – certainly.7.  jack: is lunch ready, mummy? i am  hungry and i am in a hurry as well. i am playing football this afternoon. mother: well, i am sorry, but lunch  is not ready. but look, it is raining out-of-doors. you can’t play football in  such bad weather. do you want to catch a cold? jack: oh, mummy, we often play  football in much worse weather than this. and it’s an important match today. are you coming to watch us, mom? 1. stop smoking! the room is full of smoke which is coming  from your cigarette. usually nobody smokes  here. 2. the woman who is speaking with my  sister in the yard is our neighbour who lives across the street. 3. you are asking  too much of me. i am quite powerless to help you. 4. do you hear the  speaker well? – yes, i hear him clearly. i am listening very attentively, but still i  don't understand  what he means. 5. are you going in my direction? i can give  you a lift. 6. i look at the barometer and see that it is falling. 7. don’t enter  the room. father is working  there and he doesn't like  to be disturbed. 8. do you see  that woman in the corner? she is having her dessert now. as soon as she leaves   we are occupying the table.

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