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Напишите письмо на . you have received a letter from your friend jenny, who writes: next week we're having a test in chemistry and part of it is in the lab. what is the most difficult subgect for you at school? what facilities are there in your school for sience and other subjects? how do you get ready for your tests?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1meucci wouldn't have been able to develop his ideas if he had stayed in cuba. 2 he wouldn't have sold his plants for a telephone if he hadn't become ill. 3 if she had sold his ideas, he would have become a very rich man. 4 if meucci had published his ideas, alexander graham bell wouldn't have become so famous. 5 if gutenberg hadn't invented the printing press, ordinary people wouldn't have had books. 6 if european countries hadn't had gunpowder, they wouldn't have built such big empires. 7 if fleming hadn't discovered penicillin, we wouldn't have found a cure for many disease. 8 if someone else hadn't invented the world wide web, perhaps they wouldn't have made it free.

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