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You have received a letter from your english pen-friend in which he/she is complaining that his/her parents' taste in clothes and his/her own preferences are different. so they sometimes argue when buying new things for him/her. write a letter to your english pen-friend in which you tell him/her whether you have the same problem what everyday and holiday clothes you prefer give him/her advice on how to reach a compromise with his/her parents . write a letter of at least 100 words. do not use your real name or any other personal information. start your letter in an appropriate way.

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Dear friend,
it is sad to hear about your parents’ influence on your stile . if they like classical clothes , it does not mean that you must be fond buy them too. try to  talk and persuade them. they must understand you. as for me, my parents have never told me what to wear or what clothes to buy to. they  always teach me to be independent and make any choice myself. speaking about clothes and fashion. i must admit that my favourite it is a sport stile , too. wearing favorite clothes give me enormous portion emotions. it inspires me to be creative. although there is one little problem. as usual, i borrow clothes from our shopping center,  but i have already see almost all of them, and nothing interesting is left there. so, i  made up my mind to search for something fresh and exciting in the internet. unfortunately, shopping online turned out to be not so useful for my eyes. they get tired  quickly. maybe you have got some nice clothes . i would be grateful to you for those you liked  most of all and your reasons why. i am looking forward to your letter.
best wishes,

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