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Какие реакции происходит в атф

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4,5(27 оценок)


в животных клетках синтез атф происходит в процессе катаболизма (диссимиляции, энергетического обмена) при расщеплении белков, жиров, углеводов.

в растительных клетках фосфорилирование происходит при фотосинтезе и называется фотофосфорилированием. у животных процесс протекает при дыхании и называется окислительным фосфорилированием.



в биологии атф – это источник энергии и основа жизни. атф – аденозинтрифосфат – участвует в процессах метаболизма и регулирует реакции в организме

это определение если знаешь его тут написано в нем в определении

4,6(30 оценок)

We are increasingly complaining about memory problems. this is due to the fact that our brain is full of information, images and sounds, which nowadays are falling on us daily and they are becoming more difficult to absorb. however, memory can be trained.altomany of us really do not cope with the abundance of information, and this is due primarily to the fact that modern life does not promote natural (involuntary) concentration of attention. to somehow facilitate memorization, we use all sorts of auxiliary tools: electronic organizers, mobile phones, diaries, post-it stickers - we record everything! however, from the moment we start, we no longer "include" it consciously, depriving daily training. so we, on the one hand, make our lives easier, but on the other hand we impoverish our capabilities. and yet the situation can be remedied, because our brain is a flexible, plastic organ. however, in order to learn productive cooperation with your memory, you need to know some of its features.what is memorymemory is a mental function that is responsible for the accumulation and structuring of our experience. this ability to capture, preserve and reproduce the traces of his past experience is the basis of knowledge. individual experience, which accumulates in memory, gives us the opportunity to navigate in the surrounding world, in relations with people and the rules of behavior in society. due to the fact that we do not have to re-learn every day what has already happened in our life - we can predict various situations and even turn to the future. "we are our memory," says psychologist natalya korsakova. - it makes us by ourselves, provides a sense of continuity of being from birth to death. people are so hard going through situations when, for one reason or another, something falls out of memory, because the continuity, the integrity of the perception of the world and of oneself is torn. "

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