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Перевести на -lets clean up our neighbourhood. -look! there is a lot of garbage near the river we can pick it up. -and what about washing off graffiti? -i dont think that sounds interesting. we could help children in the local hospital. -what can we do for them? -we can sew soft toys and collect secondhand books. -and we can play with them. i can do tricks for them. -thats a good idea! we can help elderly and lonely people. -thats right! lets help them to clean their windows, homes and gardens -and we can rake the leaves in the gardens, and water the flowers. -and we can do their shoping.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Давайте очистим местность вокруг. смотри.здесь много мусора около реки,мы можем убрать его. а как насчет стереть графити? я не думаю что это звучит интерестно.мы можем детям в местной больнице. что мы можем сделать для них? мы можем сшить мягкие игрушки и собрать старых книжек. и еще мы можем поиграть с ними.я могу показать им парочку фокусов. это отличная идея.мы можем старым и одиноким людям. это верно! давай им вымыть окна,дома,сады и и мы можем убрать листья и полить цветы в саду. и мы можем им сходить в магазин.(или сделать покупки за них)

Объяснение:Mother: How was your day?

You: Hi, mum! Everything is all right. We had a dictation, but it was not really  difficult. 

Mother: What grades have you got?

You: I've got "top score" in English and Geography.

Mother: Have you had dinner?

You: I haven't had dinner yet.

Mother: Have you taken the rubbish away?

You: I'm sorry but I haven't done it yet. But I'll take it away in 10 minutes.

Mother: Have you washed up yet? 

You: Don't bother, Mum! I am going to wash up after I take the rubbish away. 

Mother: What have you been doing then?

You: I have already done the shopping. I've cooked supper.

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