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Напишите небольшое сочинение, отвечая на вопросы, 50 :
1)how do young people and teenagers live in your town? do they move out when they go to university and share a flat with friends, or do they continue living with their parents?
2)what are the rules and regulations for young people (l'm thinking of the legal age for driving a car, drinking alcohol or smoking, or getting a full-time job)? how do feel about these?

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Ответы на вопрос:


1.in my city, teens live with their parents. when young people go to university, they voluntarily move to a dormitory or live with their parents.

2. young people get a passport at the age of 14, and have the right to drive a car from the age of 18. according to the laws of ukraine, the sale of alcohol and tobacco is allowed to persons who have reached the age of 21.  

young people can get a full-time job from the age of 18. i think that driving a car should be allowed to young people when they reach the age of 21 years.


Недавно я виделf женщину. она была поразитнльно красива. на неё было надето красивое пальто, чёрные сапоги. но больше всего мне понравилась её меленькая шляпка, которая была украшена зелёными перьями.

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