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Описание дикого зайца на маленький текст

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ответ: a hare is a small fluffy animal. its weight can be up to 7 kg, and the length of the body reach 70 cm. it has long ears, long hind legs and a short tail. long legs help the hare to push off when running, and thanks to large ears he hears very well. wolves and foxes are the most the main his enemies and, very often hare account for from them to run away. runs around he very quickly and during dangers can develop the speed until 80 kilometers/h. he can quickly to flee and very sharply reverse in side, thus, breaking away from enemy. everyone knows the song "coward bunny gray under the christmas tree jumped", but not such a hare and a coward. there were times when hares were attacked by eagles, and they fought them off with their hind legs.


Why english has become a frança's linguaenglish is also distributed through its intensive study in schools for children and in educational institutions for adult learners. according to the latest data, the number of those who study this language is three times higher than the number of people who use it as a native language. there is no such correlation in any other language of the world. english is spoken by over 400,000,000 people, for whom it is the mother tongue. english vocabulary is the richest and has about 1,000,000 words, of which 500,000 words refer to terminology. three eighth of all correspondence today is conducted in english. english is the main language of the internet and information technologies, as well as the language of navigation and aviation. more than half of the technical and scientific publications are published in english. 80% of all world information is stored in english. the five largest radio and television companies broadcast in english "

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