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поставьте следующие предложения в passive:

i. we have grown beautiful flowers in our garden. 2. my mother has given me advice to part with my boy-friend. 3. we haven't moved furniture in another room so far. 4. i haven't cooked dinner so far. 5. our neighbours haven't greeted us 6.1 haven't eaten black caviar since 1999. 7. they had received our letter by the week-end. 8. by the end of the year they had absolutely forgotten this sad story. 9. by the evening my sister had learnt a poem by heart. 10. by the beginning of the year we will have already changed our apartment for a better one.

ii. by the end of the month we'll have already left this office. 12. by the week-end they will have already finished a translation of this book.

15.12 переведите следующие предложения, используя соответствующие грамматические формы passive групп perfect, indefinite и continuous:

1. ребенка уже взвесил доктор. 2. наши коллеги только что довезли нас до автобусной остановки. 3. мой друг никогда меня не обидел. 4. эта пьеса не произвела на нас никакого впечатления. 5. недавно одному из моих друзей этой фирмой была предоставлена работа. 6. лососина уже заказана нашими коллегами. 7. к вечеру игра была закончена. 8. к концу недели все файлы были проверены. 9. к утру письмо было нами написано. 10. к полудню эти удостоверения будут выданы всем журналистам.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ed visited us yesterday. -past simple alex was ill the whole last week.past simple while mother was talking,we were drinking tea- двойной past progressive what were you doing when i called you? past progressive-past simple we were drinking tea at 2 o’clock yesterday.past progressive linda was watching tv,when her friends came. past progressive-past simple

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