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in big cities streets are broad and straight, there are lot of squares and beautiful parks. 2. at each corner you can see .. militiaman regulating .. traffic. 3. let us walk to nearest stop and take bus. 4. if we don't know where to go we ask militiaman to show us way. 5. when traffic light changed from yellow to green, we crossed street and entered underground station, paid our fares, went down escalator, got on train and rode as far as yugozapadnaya station. 6. there we left metro and walked to institute. 7. walk short distance down street till you come to multi-storeyed house, then take first turning to right, walk down block and you will see entrance. 8. we must get out here or we shall miss stop. 9. we went by metro as far as sokolniki station and then changed for trolley-bus. 10. we made tour of new metro stations. 11. never step off pavement into road without looking both ways to see if anything is coming.

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Как правило, я стараюсь сделать свои выходные насыщенными событиями

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