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successful performance in competitions depends not only on the high level of physical, technical and tactical preparedness of the athlete, but also on his psychological readiness. everyone competes, but one winner. a major role is played by the psychological attitude. it is extremely important and necessary to learn how to manage it.

of particular importance is the emotional factor during competitions. if, upon entering the stage, the athlete experiences great excitement, confusion, difficulty concentrating and breathing, then, with a high degree of probability, such an athlete should not hope for a positive result. this fact does not depend on the physical data of the athlete. an athlete can be physically strong, but without proper psychological preparation and experience, the chances of winning tend to zero.

therefore, each athlete must find his own method that will help him overcome his fear of performance and tune in to victory.

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нет ошибок,но ощущение что с переводчика

1. present present simple: i walk  present continuous:   i am walking present perfect:   i have walked  present  perfect  continuous:   i have been walking  2. past past  simple:   i walked  past  continuous:   i was walking  past  perfect:   i had walked  past  perfect  continuous:   i had been walking   3. future future  simple:   i will walk  future  continuous:   i will be walking future  perfect:   i will have walked  future  perfect  continuous:   i will have been walking

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