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1. she was here an hour ago. 2. we had free time. 3. they went ashore yester- day. 4. the motormen repaired some winches last week. 5. нe wanted to be- come a seaman. 6. he leamt navigating sailing boats. 7. they worked on the same ship. 8. the chief mate was on deck five minutes ago. 9. му father showed me his ship last year

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Ответы на вопрос:

  about two-thirds of the ..families. in the united states live in single-family homes. about a of the families live in ..buildings. that have two to four floors , or in ..apartments. or other commercial buildings that include apartments.

large .. cities have more apartment housing than small   , because.   land.. is scarce and..   expensive. small towns and..suburban. areas, where land is .less .. expensive than in city centres, have mostly..   single-family. homes.

philadelphia and other .cities.. have many . row .. houses. these are usually single-family houses, one or two .stories.. high, standing to wall. a is a building with two apartments, either .side.. by side with a . single.. wall .. between . them, or one .above.. the other.

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