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1. раскройте скобки b past simple или past continuous.

1. a: what (you, do) when the accident occurred?
b: i (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
2. sandy is in the living room watching television. at this time yesterday,
she (watch, also) television.
3. i (call) you last night after dinner, but you (be, not) there. where were
4. when i (walk) into the busy office, the secretary (talk) on the phone.
5. i (watch) a mystery movie on tv when the electricity (go out).
6. the titanic (cross) the atlantic when it (strike) an iceberg.
7. samantha (live) in berlin more than two years. in fact, she (live) there
when the berlin wall came down.
8. george (fall) off the ladder while he (paint) the roof.
9. last night i (read) in bed when suddenly i (hear) a whistle.
10. (you, watch) television when i (phone) you? ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Рыбка-пират давным-давно, когда на земле не было ещё людей, жили в океане рыбки, и у двух рыбок родился сынок, которого вскоре отправили в садик. но он стал отбирать у других рыбок игрушки, дёргать их за плавники и всячески обижать их. поэтому его потом назвали рыбкой-пиратом. и из-за этого он убежал из садика. шли годы. рыбка-пират грабил у проплывающих рыбок сеточки с червячками, так он и кормил себя. и часто он грабил золотую рыбку, которая жила недалеко от шалаша рыбки-пирата. и однажды, когда рыбка-пират плыл домой с чужим добром, за ним погналась зубасая акула, но до дома было ещё далеко. как вдруг он услышал голос: "плыви сбда, плыви сюда" - его звала та самая золотая рыбка, которую он чаще всех грабил. рыбка-пират заблыл в норку к золотой рыбке, а акула злобно посмотрела в неё и уплыла. так рыбка-пират стал другим: он защищал слабых, стареньким рыбкам и многое другое, а ещё они с золотой рыбкой стали жить-поживать и добра наживать.  rybka-pirat very long time ago, when on the earth there were no people still, lived in the ocean of a small fish, and at two small fishes the sonny who was sent soon to a garden was born. but it began to select at other small fishes of a toy, to pull them fins and in every possible way to offend them. therefore it was called then rybkoy-piratom. and because of it he escaped from a garden. there were years. rybka-pirat plundered at the floating small fishes of a setochka with worms, so he also fed himself. and very often it plundered the goldfish who lived near a tent of rybki-pirata. and once, when rybka-pirat floated home with foreign good, the zubasy shark pursued it, but to the house was still very far. as suddenly he heard a voice: "float a sbda, float here" - he was called by that goldfish whom it most often plundered. rybka-pirat заблыл in a mink to the goldfish, and the shark spitefully looked in it and departured. so rybka-pirat became another: it protected weak, helped old small fishes and many other things, and still they with the goldfish began to live-live and is kind to acquire.

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