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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в passive voice. переведите предложения.
1. progress (to make) every day in the world of science. 2. this problem (to give) much attention to at present. 3. the new cosmic achievements (to speak) much about. 3. the delegation of foreign students (to show) all the laboratories of our institute last week. 4. many subjects (to study) in the first year. 5. i (to surprise) by his present for my last birthday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 i had translated the text before the bell.

2 she had done her lessons by the evening.

3 he had cleaned his room by five o’clock.

4. we had spoken to him before the meeting.

5. mother had cooked dinner by seven o’clock.

6 her son had not done the home task by nine o’clock.

7   she had not made a dress before party.

8. what had they done by three o’clock?

9. who had not written the exercise before the bell?

10. why had not you swept the floor before your mother’s   coming?

11. had your child gone to bed by ten o’clock?

12. had you reached your house before the sunset?

13 had they received the telegram by that time?

14. why had not they had lunch by twelve o’clock ?

15. had we had dinner by eight o’clock.

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