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Перепишите следующие предложения и подчеркните в них сказуемое в present indefinite tense сплошной чертой, а в past indefinite tense пунктиром. предложения переведите.
employees taxes in a different way — служащие платят налоги по разному.
we don't chequebooks in russia — мы не пользуемся чековыми книжками в россии.
in 1995 our bank achieved(_ _ _) , record earnings — в 1995 году наш банк достиг рекордных доходов.
in egypt we paid(_ _ by travellers' cheques — в египте мы рассчитывались дорожными чеками.

l) when i lived on the continent, i found that people hardly used chequebooks.
2) i pay regular, monthly bills by way of a standing order: the bank pays them according to my instructions, and debits my account.
3) i use a credit card in shops and restaurants.
4) they often paid cash, or paid bills at a post office with a paying-in slip.
5) i always use the bank to buy foreign currency when i go abroad.
6) last year i asked the bank for a loan to buy a car.
7) i don't like travellers' cheques.
8) i only wanted two month's salary, but they refused.

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Task 2. Write the verbs in the Past Simple, 1. Whenyouto France? (go)2. Mr. Brownhis job last year.

Популярно: Английский язык