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Спо языку переведите предложения на язык только только время по-
она принимает душ 8: 10 она одевается в 8: 20 . она завтракает в 8: 30 . она чистить зубы в 8: 40 . она идёт в школу с друзьями в 8: 45 . она приходит домой в 4: 00 она ужинает с родителями в 7: 00. она убирается в комнате 7: 30 она делает уроки в 8: 00 . она ложится спать в 9: 00 .

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she tooks shower at 8: 10 she dresses at 8: 20 . she has breakfast at 8: 30 . she brush her teeth at 8: 40 . she goes to school with friends at 8: 45 . she comes home at 4: 00 she has dinner with her parents at 7: 00. she cleans the room at 7: 30 she does her homework at 8: 00 . she goes to bed at 9: 00 .

she never buys goods for sale prices.

you can try this coat in the changing room.

she called to a small shop and bought a dress. it was the right size and colour and it was not expensive for her. she liked the dress very much. 

liza minelli was born on march 12, 1946 in hollywood. in her childhood she was interested of film-making, but she especially enjoyed going to mgm studios and looking at dancers.

they offered to deliver the first lot in four months after they signed the contract and the balance of 22 motors-eight month later.rossexport guaranteed the delivery of each lot without any delay. mr. smith agreed with the terms at therussian company.

will you fill in the forms, please? thankyou. the porter will take you up to your rooms by the lift. here are the keys of your rooms.

i'm waiting for the director. i would like to speak to him about the offer of blake and co.

the price was not attractive to him and he askedother company to give them discount of the price. mr.morris could offer to him only 2%discount as their goods were in great demand and soldevery well for that price.

i know you are going to spend your holiday at the coast of the black sea. write me about your holiday when you come back in moscow.

they wanted to buy 60 motors of the russian company.

rossexportwas interested of selling their goods to smith and co and they were going to invite mr.garsell the manager of the company to come to moscow to have talks.

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