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Тест язык 10 класс. конкурс «я-лингвист»

1. укажите лишнее:

а) timid;

б) scared;

в) fearless;

г) cowardly.

2. укажите неверный вариант:

а) it was so hot last night that i hardly slept at all;

б) i have hard any free time these days;

в) eric always works hard;

г) if you train hard, you will win the race on saturday.

3. она возьмет то, что вы ей предлагаете.

а) shе takes that you offer her;

б) she will taken it you her offer;

в) shе’d take that you offer her;

г) shе will take what you offer her.

4. укажите верный вариант:

а) if you never will break the law, you will never get arrest;

б) if you will never break the law, you never get arrested;

в) if you break the law never, you never get arresting;

г) if you never break the law, you will never get arrested.

5. укажите неверный вариант:

а) we came very rapidly in spite of stopping by police;

б) i went for shopping despite the snow;

в) despite she is rich, she never spends much money;

г) in spite of the cold weather, you were happy.

6. укажите неверный вариант:

а) my car got repaired;

б) i got my hair cut last week;

в) i got offered a job but i refused it;

г) there was an accident on the road, but nobody got hurt.

7. укажите неверный вариант:

а) at the end of the day i like to relax in front of the tv;

б) there is a contents page at the beginning of the book;

в) the story has a tragic beginning, but everything turns out well in the end;

г) in the beginning of the week, the weather was awful, but then it improved.

8. укажите верный вариант. jim was late

а) so his friend is;

б) so been his friend;

в) so was his friend;

г) so his friend has.

9. укажите верный вариант:

а) by the time i called them they have already gone;

б) by the time i called them they had already gone;

в) by the time i called them they already went;

г) by the time i called them they were already gone.

10. what you gain a good holiday, is health and a new perspective.

а) in;

б) at;

в) to;

г) with.

11. укажите верный вариант. pay your bill on time; we’ll disconnect the line.

а) otherwise;

б) moreover;

в) likewise;

г) nevertheless.

12. a long musical composition in several movements for the full orchestra is a

а) concerto;

б) play;

в) symphony;

г) overture.

13. укажите неверный вариант:

а) he called me after i had finished work;

б) she ironed the clothes and after she put them away;

в) after they have eaten, they did the washing-up;

г) they went to the cinema and afterwards they went home.

14. укажите неверный вариант:

а) have you spoken to her today? ;

б) my friend talks too much;

в) they said they had sent a letter;

г) we told to reporters.

15. укажите верный вариант. do your coat! it’s cold outside.

а) up;

б) on;

в) off;

г) down.

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