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( язык)

моё мнение - hack work (халтурить) , разве это не правда?

мы всегда стараемся где нибудь с и отложить остаток денег в карман. потратить меньше времени на выполнение работы или , а остаток времени использовать на личные нужды, такие как смотреть телевизор, гулять, сидеть за компьютером и так далее.

(english language)

my opinion is hack work (halthurim), isn't that right?

we always try to save somewhere and put the rest of our money in our pocket. spend less time doing work or assignments, and spend the rest of your time on personal needs such as watching tv, walking, sitting at your computer, and so on.





  good – better –the best   bad   - worse – the worst   much/many - more – the most   little –less – the least   nice – nicer –the nicest   difficult – more difficult –the most difficult 1.i often go to the library. i often go to the library, don`t i? who often goes to the library? do i often go to the library? do i often go to the library or to the cinema? 2. they saw many beautiful castles during their trip. they saw many beautiful castles during their trip, didn`t they? did they see many beautiful castles during their trip? what did they see during their trip? did they see many beautiful castles or animals during their trip?   3. at the moment she is writing diploma in history. at the moment she is writing diploma in history, isn`t she? is she writing diploma in history at the moment? who is writing diploma in history at the moment? is she writing diploma in history or in management at the moment?   4. we have already slept at 10 o'clock yesterday. we have already slept at 10 o'clock yesterday, haven`t we? have we already slept at 10 o'clock yesterday? have we already slept at 10 o'clock or at 8 o`clock yesterday? who has already slept at 10 o'clock yesterday?   5. the rain has stopped, you can go. the rain has stopped, you can go, hasn`t it? can i go? has the rain stopped?     6. they will have written a test by 2 hours. will they have written a test by 2 hours? will they have written a test by 2 hours or by 4 hours? what will they have written by 2 hours? who will have written a test by 2 hours?

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