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Нужно написать 5 предложений в second conditional и 5 в third conditional

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Ответы на вопрос:


second condition


1. if i play tennis  every day, i will be in a good form.

2. if i was younger, i couldn't solve such problem as this one.

3. you will become cleverer, if you read these books.

4. they will be more succeful, if don't play videogames as much as they do.

5. if it rains, we won't walk with our friends.

third condition

- if i didn’t know the answer, i’d ask you.

– if i had met you yesterday, i would have returned your book.

– we would have watched this film together, if you hadn’t arrived so late yesterday.

-if she had studied, she would have passed the exam

-if we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane

Это хелен. ей 5 лет. она . она в магазине. это вера. ей 10 лет. она . она на улице.

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