Есть ответ 👍

1a: excuse me, is there chemist's in neighbourhood?
b: yes, chemist's is across street,
2. a: where can i buy umbrella?
b: at supermarket around corner.
3 a: can you go to baker's down road?
b: sure, right away.
4. a: are those your books?
b: yes, they are from bookshop in london.
5 a: where is paul?
b: he's at friend's house.
6 a: are there nice clothes shops in paris?
b: yes, they are some of the best in europe
7 a: this your jacket?
b: no, it' red one over there.
8 a: oh! look at that dog in pet shop!
b: aw! it's very cute!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 a: excuse me, is there .. chemist's in .. neighbourhood?

b: yes, .. chemist's is across ..-- street,

2. a: where can i buy .. umbrella?

b: at supermarket around corner.

3 a: can you go to baker's down .. road?

b: sure, right away.

4. a: are -- those --.. your books?

b: yes, they are from bookshop in --.. london.

5 a: where is --.. paul?

b: he's at friend's house.

6 a: are there nice clothes shops in -- paris?

b: yes, they are some of the best in --.. europe

7 a: -- this -- your jacket?

b: no, it' red one over there.

8 a: oh! look at ..-- that dog in pet shop!

b: aw! it's very cute!

The pencils are blue and green. where the bookcase in classroom? there are four chairs near the desks.

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