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Выберите и обведите лексически и грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.
1. there were russian people and foreigners in the spaceship (crew/team).
2. there were a lot of bluebells (in/on) the field.
3. i’m sure he will join (—/in) our club in the end.
4. vlad has been (doing/going) karate for some months.
5. i didn’t feel comfortable on the plane because i (had never flown/didn’t use
to fly) before.
6. i like the (sport/sports) uniform the members of our team wear.
7. the (more/longer) fruit we eat, the healthier we become.
8. everybody could hardly sleep because of the (excited/excitement) they felt.
9. we visited paris, bonn, munich and ended (up/with) in berlin.

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Ответы на вопрос:

14 ср18: 00756+3120южн  5+2915 чтночь757+2245ю-в3-6+2515 чтутро757+1748ю-в3-6+1715 чтдень758+2931ю-в3-6+2815 чтвечер756+3521ю2-5+3316 птночь756+2339ю-в2-5+2516 птутро756+1847ю-в2-5+1816 птдень756+2935ю-в2-5+2816 птвечер755+3521ю-з3-6+3417 сбночь756+2440с2-5+25

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