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The other day it was too noisy in class. the boys fidgeted and whispered, the girls giggled. i asked what the fidgeting was about. averted eyes. as i half-turned to the blackboard, everything started again. what could i do? i said i wanted "their undivided attention". nothing. suddenly i noticed that one of the boys who had been sort of labelled as a trouble-maker since he appeared in this school made a move. so i rushed upon him and made him leave the class-room. i knew i was wrong, but i had to do something to impose discipline.
what would you do? do you think i was wrong?

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Music ['mjuːzɪk] butter ['bʌtə]sun [sʌn]bus [bʌs]dutch [dʌtʃ]united ['ju'naɪtɪd]gun [gʌn]avenue ['ævɪnjuː]  umbrella [ʌm'brelə]menu ['menjuː]new [njuː]hurry ['hʌrɪ]uncle ['ʌŋkl]unhappy [ʌn'hæpɪ]dune [djuːn]

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