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15 переведите без переводчика
1. он доктор. она доктор. они доктора. мы доктора. ты доктор. вы


2. что это? кто это? где она? она в москве. как ты? я хорошо, .

3. что ты сейчас читаешь? сейчас я читаю книгу, но обычно я читаю


4. ты обычно читаешь книги? да, я читаю. нет, я не читаю.

5. смотри! мальчик бежит.

6. у меня была кукла.

7. раньше я бегала по утрам.

8. ты прочитала книгу? нет, я читаю ее сейчас.

9. она бегает по утрам? да, она как раз сейчас и бегает.​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


1)he is a doctor. she is a doctor. we are doctors. you are doctor.

2)what is it? who is it? where's she? she is in moscow. how are you? i am fine, thanks

3) what are you doing? now i am reading book but usually i read magazines

4)do you usually read? yes, i do. no, i don't

5)look! that boy is running

6) i had a doll

7) i used to run in the morning

8) have you read this book? no, i hadn't. i am reading it now

9) does she run in the morning? yes, she is just running now


he's a doctor.she's a doctor.they're doctors.we're doctors.you doctor.


what's it? who is it? where is she? she's in moscow.how are you? okey ,thanks.

i have three favorite animals: a lion, a cat, a rabbit. the lion is a big animal. he lives in africa. we can see him in the zoo. the lion is very big, strong, beautiful. he has a curly mane and sharp claws. the lion is a very strong and noble animal.

i love cats because they are gentle and tender. they are also very sensitive. my favorite cat breed is sphynx.

rabbits are very soft and fluffy, i wish i had at least one rabbit)

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