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Iii. put the verbs in brackets into present simple, present continuous or past simple.
1. he … (visit) his uncle every saturday morning. 2. he … (feed) the cows every evening. 3. we … (go) to the park this evening. 4. agatha christie … (write) over thirty novels. 5. he … (study) in his bedroom at the moment. 6. the film … (start) in the minutes. 7. arthur conan doyle … (be) a famous writer. 8. “when … (he/arrive)? ” “an hour ago.

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1 visits

2 feeds

3 are going

4 wrote

5 is studying

6 is starting

7 is

8 when did he arrive?

1. he visits his uncle every saturday morning. 2. he feeds the cows every evening. 3. we are going to the park this evening. 4. agatha christie wrote over thirty novels. 5. he is studying in his bedroom at the moment. 6. the film is starting in the minutes. 7. arthur conan doyle is a famous writer. 8. “when did he arrive? ” - an hour ago.

As long as I can remember myself I always loved physics. Before I started taking Physics at school, I knew some concepts and ideas from cartoons and shows I used to watch as a kid. I always thought physics is fascinating and magical. For a lot of people choosing a future profession is difficult, as it's really hard to find something you are willing to do for the rest of your life. Being fascinated with physics for as long as i can remember myself, for me that decision was one of the easiest in my life. I always wanted to become a physicist. The idea of doing experiments and discovering new theories that unfold the mysteries of our world always seemed fascinating to me. My childhood love for Physics is the reason I chose to become a Physicist.

P.S. Hope it helped. If you need more words or have any questions, feel free to ask them here. I'll be happy to help. Have a great day!

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