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Ть з ійською.

i. complete the word combinations with appropriate verbs.

1. powers;
2. the cabinet;
3. the submission to the verkhovna rada;
4. the work of the cabinet;
5. government policies;
6. national programs;
7. and the activities of ministries;
8. public policy.

ii. complete the unreal conditional sentences (type ii). use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. if i (know) financial department number, i (phone) them.
2. if the students (work) harder, they (pass) the text successfully.
3. if i (be) a minister, i (attend) the cabinet session.
4. how you (run) a list of things to do daily, you (not forget) to do them.
5. if you (make) the organization if you (be) a manager?
6. if i (be) a policy analyst, i (investigate) political situation.
7. if you (pass) the interview successfully, you (be) hired.
8. if it (be) possible, she (design) that computer program for us.
9. if i (be) a desk-officer, i (provide) assistance to my supervisor.
10. if peter (be) a supervisor, he (plan) the work of the department.

iii. write a sentence with if… for each situation.

1. i am not an accountant, so i don’t deal with money accounts.

2. i conduct staff meetings rarely – that’s why the work of my employees is not effective.
3. the students don’t attend the lecture in public administration – that’s why they don’t know how to do the home task.
4. kate is not a lawyer, so she doesn’t ensure legal framework for all the activities of the organization.
5. the factory closes down – that’s why a lot of people are out of work.
6. he doesn’t speak very clearly – that’s why people don’t understand him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. мы не можем грузить ваш заказ до тех пор пока мы не получим компенсацию.- глагол [не можем]

2. компания была основана отцом нынешнего председателя. глагол [была]

3. был открыт многообещающий новый препарат. глагол [был]

4. наша команда общается с вашим заказом и пакет будет поставлен

в течение 10 рабочих дней. глагол [общается]

5. руководит сложным процессом союза глагол [руководить]

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