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a visit то the plant

taylor: we like your plant, mr ivanov. it's quite modern.

ivanov: glad to hear that, the plant is really new. we built it only 2 years ago.

taylor: by the way, how long did it take you to construct it?

ivanov: three years, though it's one of the biggest plants here.

taylor: you produce very good compressors, they are easy to operate and reliable.

ivanov: that's right. our compressors are in great demand in the world market. we export them to many countries of the world. last year was particularly good. our total sales increased to roubles.

taylor: incidentally, in what way did you use the profit?

ivanov: we invested heavily to improve the quality. we increased the salaries and wages. we also arranged a number of training courses for the technical personnel.

taylor: we'd like to establish business relations with you. we are going to place a large order.

ivanov: we'll be glad to cooperate with you.

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визит и плант

нам нравится ваше растение, мистер иванов. это вполне современно.

иванов: рад, что завод действительно новый. мы построили его всего 2 года назад.

кстати, сколько времени у вас уделось, чтобы построить его?

иванов: три года, хотя это один из крупнейших заводов здесь.

вы производите хорошие компрессоры, они просты в эксплуатации и надежны.

иванов: правильно. наши компрессоры востребованы на мировом рынке. мы экспортируем их во многие страны мира. прошлый год был особенно хорошим. наши общие продажи увеличились до рублей.

кстати, каким образом вы использовали прибыль?

иванов: мы вложили значительные средства в улучшение качества. мы увеличили зарплаты и зарплаты. мы также организовали ряд учебных курсов для технического персонала.

мы хотели бы установить с вами деловые отношения. мы разместим большой заказ.

иванов: мы будем рады сотрудничать с вами.

Politics.politics is an extremely interesting and discussed topic at any epoch. translated from greek, the word itself means “the art of ruling the state”. more precise meaning found in dictionaries can apply to the direct activity of the state or community groups in various spheres of life, such as, economics, social relations, security and else. politic affairs are often discussed by mass media, i.e. in newspapers, magazines, online editions. journalists like to judge or criticize politicians. however, as the greek philosopher once said: “only very few can do politics while everyone can judge them”. in my opinion, working in the field of politics isn’t easy at all. most people prefer to stay aside and let the rich and powerful to lead the state policy. however, it’s not right. everyone should strive to understand the political affairs of the country as we are all the part of one society. it means that state policy applies to all of us and we all depend on it. that’s why people shouldn’t ignore the topic of politics and shouldn’t be careless with its terms and conditions. as i’ve mentioned before, being a politician is not an easy task at all. politics shouldn’t be treated as one big show. it requires action on the first place. that’s why a true politician should be highly responsible, educated, balanced and provident. this person represents the interests of other people in state. for that reason he should be free of greed and corruption. he should put social interests above his own personal needs. if every politician in the country would follow this pattern, perhaps, the art of politics would sensibly improve.

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