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10 neagative verbs по english

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Ответы на вопрос:

Если любые, то eat-ate-eaten есть,drink-drank-drunk пить,fly-flew-flown летать,find-found-found находить,go-went-gone идти, hold-held-held держать, keep-kept-kept держать,know-knew-known знать,see-saw-seen видеть,run-ran-run бежать

Ответить прошуу: 1. what do w do in p.e? 2. when i study english, i learn a.b.c.3. we learn  about other places, countries and cities in geography.4.  we learn to sing, dance & play the piano in this subject. music.5. we stuby numbers in this subject. mathematics.6. we can learn to speak the language of france in this subject. french.7. we learn to draw and pain pictures in this subject. art.8. we can learn the  language of china in this  subject. chinese.9. we can learn to speak the  language of spain in this subject. spanish.10. we can learn about events of the past and iong time ago. history.

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