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Ответы на вопрос:

anya: are you ready, sonya?

sonya: yes, let's drive!

anya: ok, be careful at the road and pay attention to everything.ok, let's drive to red square.go straight here.

sonya: ok, i will.what's next?

anya: go straight and in thhe end of the road turn right into ulitsa bol'shaya lubyanka street.watch out! there's a car coming!

sonya: i see, here we go.

anya: if you drive straight , we eill reacch teatral'nyy proyezd. then near to cimema "moscow" turn left into ulitsa okhotnyy ryad.

sonya: here we are.

anya: well done.park in frront of the bolshhoy theatre.

sonya: fine.

anya: perfect.

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