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2.13 complete the conversation. put in the present simple form:

rita: …… (you / like) football, tom?

tom: …… (i / love) it. i’m a united fan. …… (i / go) to all their games. nick usu-ally …… (come) with me. and …… (we / travel) to away games, too. why …… (you / not / come) to a match some time?

r.: i’m afraid football …… (not / make) sense to me – men running after a ball. why …… (you / take) it so seriously?

t.: it’s a wonderful game. …… (i / love) it. united are my whole life.

r.: how much …… (it / cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?

t.: a lot. …… (i / not / know) exactly how much. but …… (that / not / matter) to me. …… (i / not / want) to do anything else. …… (that / annoy) you?

r.: no, …… (it / not / annoy) me. i just …… (find) it a bit sad.

2.14 complete the sentences using the present continuous or the present simple:

1. …… (it / snow) outside. …… (it / come) down quite hard, look.

2. normally …… (i / start) work at eight o’clock, but …… (i / start) at seven this week. we’re very busy at the moment.

3. i haven’t got a car at the moment, so …… (i / go) to work on the bus this week. usually …… (i / drive) to work.

4. the sun …… (rise) in the east, remember. it’s behind us so …… (we / travel) west.

5. i’m afraid i have no time to help just now. …… (i / write) a report. but …… (i / promise) i’ll give you some help later.

6. …… (i / want) a new car. …… (i / save) up to buy one

2.15 at work mark is talking to alan in the corridor. complete their conversation using the present continuous or the present simple:

m.: …… (you / look) for someone?

a.: yes, ……(i / need) to speak to neil. he isn’t in his office.

m.: …… (he / talk) to the boss at the moment. …… (i / think) …… (they / discuss) money.

a.: oh, right. and what about you? …… (you / look) for someone too?

m.: yes, linda. …… (you / know) where she is?

a.: oh, she isn’t here today. she only …… (work) four days a week. …… (she / not / work) on fridays. she’ll be here on monday.

m.: thank you. …… (you / know) a lot about linda.

a.: well, most days …… (i / give) her a lift, or …… (she / give) me one. …… (she / live) quite close to me. …… (it / save) petrol.

m.: yes, of cause. good idea. yes, …… (i / agree). well, …… (i / waste) my time here then. i’ll get back to my computer.

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Ответы на вопрос:


rita: do you like (you / like) football, tom?

tom: i love (i / love) it. i’m a united fan. i go (i / go) to all their games. nick usu-ally comes (come) with me. and we travel (we / travel) to away games, too. why don't you come (you / not / come) to a match some time?

r.: i’m afraid football doesn't make (not / make) sense to me – men running after a ball. why do you (you / take) it so seriously?

t.: it’s a wonderful game. i love (i / love) it. united are my whole life.

r.: how much does it (it / cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?

t.: a lot. i don't know (i / not / know) exactly how much. but that doesn't matter (that / not / matter) to me. i don't want (i / not / want) to do anything else. that annoys (that / annoy) you?

r.: no, it doesn't annoy (it / not / annoy) me. i just find (find) it a bit sad.

2.14 complete the sentences using the present continuous or the present simple:

1. it is snowing (it / snow) outside. it is coming (it / come) down quite hard, look.

2. normally i start (i / start) work at eight o’clock, but i'm starting (i / start) at seven this week. we’re very busy at the moment.

3. i haven’t got a car at the moment, so i am going (i / go) to work on the bus this week. usually i drive (i / drive) to work.

4. the sun rises (rise) in the east, remember. it’s behind us so we are travelling (we / travel) west.

5. i’m afraid i have no time to help just now. i am writing (i / write) a report. but i promise (i / promise) i’ll give you some help later.

6. i want (i / want) a new car. i am saving up (i / save) up to buy one

2.15 at work mark is talking to alan in the corridor. complete their conversation using the present continuous or the present simple:

m.: are you looking (you / look) for someone?

a.: yes, i need (i / need) to speak to neil. he isn’t in his office.

m.: he is talking (he / talk) to the boss at the moment. i think (i / think) they are discussing (they / discuss) money.

a.: oh, right. and what about you? are you looking (you / look) for someone too?

m.: yes, linda. do you know (you / know) where she is?

a.: oh, she isn’t here today. she only works (work) four days a week. she does not work (she / not / work) on fridays. she’ll be here on monday.

m.: thank you. you know (you / know) a lot about linda.

a.: well, most days i give (i / give) her a lift, or she gives (she / give) me one. she lives (she / live) quite close to me. it saves (it / save) petrol.

m.: yes, of cause. good idea. yes, i agree (i / agree). well, i am wasting (i / waste) my time here then. i’ll get back to my computer.


написала большими буквами, чтобы было заметнее. не во всех уверена.

i was very erry


U kiddin me yeah

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