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i) раскрыть скобки

время выполнения 30 минут

1. i (feel) much better if he (not unpack) his toilet things in my presence then.

2. i wish (i had / would have) more time to do this job.

3. i wish (i've refused / i'd refused) when you suggested the idea.

4. i wish she (would / had) come to work on time in future.

5. i wish they (had introduced/introduced) their friends to me at the party.

6. if only we (to spot) the trouble then! we could have avoided much dried.

7. it's high time something (to do) about this case - and quickly

8. i wish you (had seen'saw) the play. it was a great success.

9. if the war (not just finish) the passenger traffic in the ocean (not be) so heavy.

10. if only she (not to be) such a friendless failure when a child!

11. she wishes her father (hadn't known/ didn't know) it.

12. you (can) not hope for a cabin to yourself if you (be) not ready to pay twice the usual price.

2) перефразировать, используя конструкции i wish/1fanty/1t's time

didn't want to quarrel, or i could have said a lot. i could have been talking for hours.

2. i'd have told you everything without your pressing me. but you never bothered to explain the true reason.

3. i'd like him to realise the truth. (but i have no real hope he will. )

4. it's a pity he knows nothing yet.

5. it's a pity she is no longer in touch with modern life.

6. joseph thought he would have left the party long ngo - should have left, actually. but he was supposed to wait for

7. oleg must consult a specialist,

8. it's a pity we can't be as business-like about it as you are

9. the family ought to have u holiday.

10. the house needs to be given a new coat of paint.

теревести, используя конструкции i wishialfonty/it's time

1. ему бы хотелось, чтобы она не избегала сго.

2. жаль, что ты так равнодушен к спорту.

3. мне кажется, вам пора закончить эту дискуссию. ждут, когда их пригласят за стол.

4. мы ждали его вчера. жаль, что он не пришел.

5. напрасно игорь влюбился в эту капризную девушке. она сделает его жизнь невыносимой

6. он , что не сохранил тайну.

7. они , что не остались за городом еще на неделю.

8. сара сожалела, что не воспользовалась случаем и не поговорила братом.

9. хоть бы дождь кончился,

10. чего ты ждешь? давно пора обед готовить.

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