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Here a some ideas how to "make a difference" day.

what do you think about the activities?

-organising a charity fair is a good idea.

-i personally enjoy taking part in a charity run.

to organise a charity fair.

to take part in a charity run.

to be involved in fundraising.

to donate money on charity.

to support those in need.

to provide poor people with money, food or clothes.

to volunteer at the nearest nursing home.

to clean the local park.

to pick up litter in the school playground.

to plant trees and flowers.

to make a poster about different charity projects.

a good idea.

very important.

not fun, but necessary.

a good contribution.


i'm interested

i look forward

i can help

i always take part

i'm good '

i don't

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Ответы на вопрос:


- donating money on charity is very important.

- picking up litter in the school playground is not fun, but necessary.

- planting trees and flowers is a good contribution.

- i'm interested in making a poster about different charity projects.

- i look forward to planting trees and flowers.

- i can help by cleaning the local park.

- i always take part in providing poor people with money, food or clothes.

- i'm good at supporting those in need

- i don't mind being involved in fundraising.



Exercise 4

1. Maybe she lost her bag.

2. Could you tell me what time it is?

3. How old do you think she is?

4. Smoking is not permitted here.

5. I have to get up very early.

6. You could offer your help when he is in trouble.

7. We must obey the laws.

8. You will pay for it.

9. I would love to stay at home.

10. If you don’t want to do this, you don’t need to.

11. How dare you say such things?

12. You hardly know him.

13. You should have known this.

14. This should suit you.

15. Should I wait for you?

16. He must have made a mistake.

17. He can never be more than forty.

18. Maybe he did it, nobody knows.

19. He may be lost.

20. He was ready to cry with shame

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