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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets

1 (good) place for a holiday is the beach.
2 magda got (high) mark in the class.
3 this shopping mall is (crowned) than the one in town. i don`t like it!
4 eating fruit is (healthy) than eating chocolate.
5 this week`s homework is (difficult) than last week`s.
6 jake`s bike was (dirty) of all the bikes outside the house.
7 davy is (short) than frank.
8 maths is (bad) subjects for me at school - i can`t do it at all!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 the best

2 the highest

3 more crowded

4 healthier

5 more difficult

6 the dirtiest

7 shorter

8 the worst


1)the best

2)the highest

3)more crowned


5)more difficult

6)the dirtiest


8)the worst

1.did you see the football game last night? d.no, i didn't

2.can you speak chinese? a.yes, i can

3.have you got a ticket? e.no, i haven't

4.where are my trainers? h.under the chair

5.are they watching football? c.yes, they are

6.was it sunny g.yes, it was

7.did they have a good time? b.no, they didn't

8.when did they arrive here? f.at 10 o`clock

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