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п. задайте специальный вопрос, используя слово в скобках.
1. he was regulating the air-conditioning system when i came.(what) 2. we often cross the
english channel. (what) 3. the dockers loaded the ship yesterday. (when) 4. the chief-
-лаtе iѕ speaking to the master now. (who)
ii. переведите на язык.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1 what was he doing when i came?

2 what do we often cross?

3 when did the dockers load the ship?

4 who is speaking to the master now?


i wasn’t listening to my favorite cd the whole evening yesterday.

я не слушал мой любимый диск целый вечер вчера.

when they returned, the children weren’t talking.

когда они вернулись, дети не разговаривали.

you weren’t listening to me, when i was explaining the rules!

ты меня не слушал, когда я объясняла правила!

they weren’t doing anything at noon yesterday.

они ничего не делали вчера в полдень.

i was not teaching in paris before i came here.

я не преподавал в париже до приезда сюда.

Популярно: Английский язык