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Сделать один номер по языку. сделать один номер по языку. №1. in which of the buildings ( places ) you can hear the following phrases? example: "could i have a cup of tea? " - "in a cofe." 1. "hurray! he is first! " - 2. "how much does this dress cost? " - 3. "don't forget to bring the book back in 10 days! " - 4. "have you got anything for a sore throat? " - 5. "this book is one of the oldest in our collection. it's about 500 years old." - 6. "can i change roubles for euros? " - 7. "hush! be quiet! the performance has already begun! " -

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1.olympic games 2. shop 3. library 4. pharmacy 5. museum 6. bank 7. tetras

Ibought a ticket and i hope that i will win this game

Популярно: Английский язык