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Описать картинку номер 3, на с переводом.

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Ответы на вопрос:


the third picture shows a large family. the family consists of five people: mom, dad, son and two daughters, they have fun in the meadow and have a picnic.


this picture is funny, happy, but a one girl, which don't like saying "cheese" is not happy. around this family a beautiful nature: green tree, little pink flowers, light green grass, even mountain behind they family. brother is keeping a bird in the hand, mother hug her dauther-even if one girl is not funny picture is happy and good.

эта картина весёлая, счастливая, но одна девочка, которая не любит говорит "сыр"не счастливая. вокруг этой семейки красивая природа: зелёное дерево, розоватые цветы, светло-зелёную траву, даже горы позади. брат держит птичку в руке, мама обнимает свою дочь- даже если одна девочка не весела, картина счастливая и хорошая.

Приключение Майка

Once Mike, a college student, went hiking in the mountains in the winter. In the evening he put up a tent and went to collect some brushwood to make a fire. He had only walked about a hundred meters from his tent when he heard somebody's footsteps on the snow. Mike's heart stopped beating for a moment. He knew that there was nobody in that area at that time of the day. At that moment Mike saw a huge white figure on the path not far from him. The young man got terrified. He only thought it was Bigfoot and then the creature turned away and quickly disappeared behind the rock. Mike was so scared that he ran back to his tent, sent the radio call for help and spent a sleepless night waiting for somebody to rescue him.

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