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2a. read a student's description of her grandfather
what's wrong with the description? how can you im.
prove it?
the person i admire
the person i admire very much is my
grandfather. he is in his early sbaties. he
looks like santa claus. he is quite tail. he's
got grey hair, wrinkles and a nice smile. he
is always fun to be with. his clothes are
old-fashioned but i like them. he is a cou
rageous person. he used to be a pilot. he is stubbom. he
always does what he likes. he does care what other people
think about him. my mum says that i take after my grandfa-
ther. he is a very optimistic person. i admire his wisdom and
generosity. i really love him.​

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They monitor is movemented every springthe animals were helped by usя думаю так

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